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七年级上册 七年级下册 八年级上册 八年级下册 九年级


Units Topics Functions Letters and Structures Target Language Vocabulary Recycling

What's the matter?
Health and first aid Talk about health problems and accidents

Give advice
Have for talking about health problems

Modal verbs should/shouldn't for suggestions

Reflexive pronouns
What's the matter? I have a stomachache.

What's the matter with Ben?
He hurt himself.

Does he have a toothache? Yes, he does.

What should she do?
She should take her temperature.
foot, knee, neck, stomach, throat, matter, cough, fever, headache, stomachache, toothache, nurse, blood, rest, X-ray, situation, spirit, trouble, death

hit, hurt, lie, rest

have a cold, take breaks, get off, right away, get into, cut off, give up

arm, back, ear, eye, hand, head, leg, mouth, nose, tooth

temperature, dentist, medicine, doctor, hospital

Modal verb should

If clause

I'll help to clean up the city parks.
Volunteering and charity Offer help Infinitives as object, adverbial and object complement

Modal verb could for suggestions

Phrase verbs
I'd like to help homeless people.

You could ask hospitals to let you visit the kids and cheer them up.

She volunteers there once a week to help kids learn to read.

I am making some signs to put up around the school.

feeling, interest, difficulty, kindness, satisfaction

disabled, blind, deaf, lonely, strong, clever

clean up, cheer up, give out, hand out, give away, care for, fix up, put off, come up with, call up, take after, try out, set up
job, time, money, city park, old people's home, animal hospital

visit, teach, tell stories, spend, help, decide

put up, help out, give up, run out

Infinitives as object

Could you please clean your room?
Chores and permission Make polite requests

Ask for permission
Could for polite requests

Could for permission
Could I go out for dinner with my friends?
Sure, that should be OK.

Could we get something to drink after the movie?
No, you can't. You have a basketball game tomorrow.

Could you please take the dog for a walk?
OK, but I want to watch one show first.

floor, mess, neighbor, rubbish, shirt, waster, stress

fold, sweep, throw, pass, borrow, lend, hate, depend, develop, provide, drop

fair, unfair

all the time, as soon as, in order to, depend on, take care of
dish, bed, clothes, room, home, work, job, homework, housework, parent, child, kid, teenager

clean, tidy, comfortable

take out, go out, stay out, help out, help with

Modal verbs can and have to

Why don't you talk to your parents?
Interpersonal communication Talk about problems

Give advice
Why don't you ...?

Conjunctions until, so that and although
What should I do?
Why don't you forget about it? Although she's wrong, it's not a big deal.

What should he do?
He should talk to his friend so that he can say he's sorry.

Maybe you could go to his house.
I guess I could, but I don't want to surprise him.

communication, relation

allow, argue, cause, communicate, compare, compete, continue, copy, explain, guess, offer, push, return

wrong, quick, clear, crazy, nervous, proper, typical, usual

instead, perhaps, secondly

look through, work out, get on with, compare ... with, in one's opinion

parent, homework, advice, grade, test, fight

study, write, call, talk, help, hang out, relax, agree, disagree

enough, tired, sorry, angry, lonely

What's the matter?

Modal verbs should and could

What were you doing when the rainstorm came?
Unforgettable events Talk about past events

Tell a story
Conjunctions when and while

Questions and statements with the past progressive tense
What were you doing at eight last night?
I was taking a shower.

What was he doing when the rainstorm come?
He was reading in the library when the rainstorm came.

What was Jenny doing while Linda was sleeping?
While Linda was sleeping, Jenny was helping Mary with her homework.

date, area, storm, wind, light, match, silence

beat, begin, realize, report, rise

strange, asleep

completely, suddenly, heavily, recently

go off, pick up, fall asleep, die down, have to look, make one's way, take down, at first

weather, news, neighbor, TV, radio, history

happen, remember, start, forget

at nine o'clock, at 7:00 a.m., yesterday morning, last night, 10 minutes ago

Days of the week, dates and times

Simple past tense

An old man tried to move the mountains.
Legends and stories Tell a story Conjunctions unless, as soon as and so ... that How does the story begin?
Once upon a time, there was a very old man ...

What happened next?
As soon as the man finished talking, Yu Gong said that his family could continue to move the mountain after he died.

Why was Yu Gong trying to move the mountain?
Because they were so big that it took a long time to walk to the other side.

god, couple, husband, wife, object, gold, silk, stick, stone, tail, voice, ground

remind, fit, hide, lead, marry, shine, smile, cheat

brave, stupid, silly, weak, Western, magic

once upon a time, turn ... into, fall in love, get married, a little bit, instead of

story, mountain, fight, problem, opinion, side

interesting, different, famous, favorite

Simple present tense

Simple past tense

Past progressive tense

What's the highest mountain in the world?
Facts about the world Talk about geography and nature Large numbers

Comparatives and superlatives with adjectives and adverbs
What's the highest mountain in the world?

How high is Qomolangma?
It's 8844.43 meters high. It's higher than any other mountain.

Did you know that China is one of the oldest countries in the world?
Yes, I did. It's much older than the US.

nature, desert, ocean, square, meter, bamboo, adult, illness, force, population, condition, government, research, protection, achievement, excitement

achieve, include, protect, succeed, weigh

deep, wide, wild, thick, huge, ancient, endangered

feel free, take in, walk into, fall over, or so, as far as I know, in the face of, at birth, up to

mountain, kilometer, size, world, lake, river, sea, panda, elephant, country, scientist, fact

high, long, big, famous, popular, strong

Making comparisons

Have you read Treasure Island yet?
Literature and music Talk about recent events and experiences Present perfect tense with already and yet Have you read Little Women yet?
Yes, I have./No, I haven't.

Has Tina read Treasure Island yet?
Yes, she has. She thinks it's fantastic.

Have you decided which book to write about yet?
Yes, I have. I've already finished reading it. It was really good.

page, fiction, pop, fan, million, record, line, success, beauty, technology

treasure, island, ship, sand, land, mark, gun, tool

introduce, belong

forever, abroad

full of, hurry up, ever since, one another

book, writer, library, music, song, singer, musician, CD

read, finish, listen, feel

fantastic, interesting, boring, favorite, famous, popular, successful

Simple present tense

Simple past tense

Simple future tense

Have you ever been to a museum?
Fun places Talk about past experiences Present perfect tense with been, ever and never Have you ever been to a science museum?
No, I've never been to a science museum.

Have you ever visited the space museum?
Yes, I have. I went there last year.

I've never been to a water park.
Me neither.

camera, toilet, province, spring, fox

collect, encourage, fear, progress

rapid, peaceful, perfect, safe, unbelievable, unusual, social

whenever, whether

a couple of, thousands of, on the one hand ... on the other hand ..., all year round

art, space, history, science, nature, computer, tea, museum, park, zoo, holiday

visit, try, camp

recently, yesterday, last year, in April, next week, tomorrow

Present perfect tense

I've had this bike for three years.
Living environment Talk about possessions and things around you Present perfect tense with since and for How long have you had that bike over there?
I've had it for three years.

How long has his son owned the train and railway set?
He's owned it since his fourth birthday.

Have you ever played football?
Yes, I did when I was little, but I haven't played for a while now.

yard sale, soft toy, bread maker, scarf, board game, hometown, memory, childhood

own, search, hold, regard, consider

certain, soft, sweet, truthful

according to, to be honest, as for, check out, part with, no longer, close to

sale, bike, book, magazine, clothes, place, school, tree

sell, give away, lose, need, keep, decide, raise, change, appear, build, become, feel

old, favorite, useful, special, sad, understanding

Present perfect tense


Unit/Section A1 A2 A3 A4 B1 B2 B3
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