按 ‘ 好人 ’ 标签归档



Harry: This connection between me and Voltmor… What if the reason for it is that I am becoming more like him… I just feel so angry all the time… and what if everything I have been through… Something is going wrong inside me. What if I am becoming bad? 哈利:在我和伏地魔之间的联系……万一其根源在于,我正在越来越像他……我一直都能感受到如此强烈的怒火…… 假如所有我所经历过的事,表明我自己有点不对头……倘若我变坏了怎么办?
Sirius: I want you to listen to me very carefully, Honey. You are not a bad person. You are a very good person, who bad things happen to. You understand? This world… The world is not split into good people and deviled. These people got both light and dark inside themselves, what matters is the part you choose to act of. That is what we really are. 小天狼星:我要你仔细听我说,亲爱的。 你不是一个坏人。你是一个很好的人,只是坏事发生在你身上了。你明白吗? 而且……整个世界也并没有划分为纯然的好人和坏人。 每个人的心中都兼有光明和黑暗,重要的是你选择扮演哪一部分。 这才是我们的实相。