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<script type='text/javascript' src='/js/jquery.min.js'></script>


	.slide {
		position: absolute;
		left: 0px;
		top: 0px;

		width: 600px;	/* Customizable */
		height: 420px;	/* Customizable */


  1. 顶层<div>的id需要和播放函数(等下会提到)的参数一致(示例是“YadingPhoto”)。
  2. 每张图片不是直接挂在顶层<div>下的<img>,而是放在一个子<div>里的,这是为了让播放器有播放文字的功能(<div>里想写啥都是可以的,不只可以放图片)。
  3. 包装图片的<div>的class要和上头的CSS代码保持一致(示例是“slide”)。
<div id='YadingPhoto' style='position:relative;width:600px;height:420px;'>
	<div class='slide'>
		<img src='../pic/xianuoduoji-slidedemo.jpg' alt='XiaNuoDuoJi' title='XiaNuoDuoJi'>
		<div style='text-align:center;'>Yading - Xia Nuo Duo Ji</div>
	<div class='slide'>
		<img src='../pic/xiannairi-slidedemo.jpg' alt='XianNaiRi' title='XianNaiRi'>
		<div style='text-align:center;'>Yading - Xian Nai Ri</div>
	<div class='slide'>
		<img src='../pic/yangmaiyong-slidedemo.jpg' alt='YangMaiYong' title='YangMaiYong'>
		<div style='text-align:center;'>Yading - Yang Mai Yong</div>


两个小函数接受的参数,其实并不精确地是id,而是一个jQuery selector,示例中,是“#YadingPhoto”,这是为了更广泛地利用jQuery强大的页面元素定位功能。

<script type='text/javascript'>
	initSlide('#YadingPhoto');	// Customizable, must equal to the slide show top div's ID.
	setInterval("switchSlide('#YadingPhoto')", 5000);	// Customizable.

	function initSlide(slideID)
		if ($(slideID + " > div").length <= 1)
		var selector = slideID + " > div";
		$(selector).css("z-index", "-1");
		$(selector + ":first").show(0);

	function switchSlide(slideID)
		if ($(slideID + " > div").length <= 1)
		var selector = slideID + " > div";
		$(selector + ":first").next().fadeIn("slow");
		$(selector + ":first").fadeOut("slow");
		$(selector + ":first").appendTo($(slideID));




  • timezone是想要计算的地方所在的时区,是一个数字,用正数表示东半球,用负数表示西半球,零表示本初子午线附近。此数字可以是小数,为了照顾加德满都这种“东5小时零45分钟”的时区。
  • summerrule是所需要使用的规则,此参数是一个字符串,目前这段JavaScript代码支持两种规则:“EUR”和“USA”。


function isDaylightSaving(timezone, summerrule)
    var today = new Date();
    var localtime = today.getTime() + timezone * 3600 * 1000;
    var localday = new Date(localtime);
    var hour = localday.getUTCHours();	// 0-24
    var month = localday.getUTCMonth();	// 0-11
    var date = localday.getUTCDate();	// 1-31
    var wkday = localday.getUTCDay();	// 0-6
    var summer = false;
    if (summerrule == "EUR") {
        if (month > 2 && month < 9)
            summer = true;
        else if (month == 2 && date - wkday > 24 && (wkday != 0 || hour > 0))
            summer = true;
        else if (month == 9 && (date - wkday < 25 || wkday == 0 && hour < 1))
            summer = true;
    } else if (summerrule == "USA") {
        if (month > 2 && month < 10)
            summer = true;
        else if (month == 2 && (date > 14 || date - wkday > 7 && (wkday != 0 || hour > 1)))
            summer = true;
        else if (month == 10 && (date < 8 && (date - wkday < 1 || wkday == 0 && hour < 2)))
            summer = true;
    return summer;


下面的PHP程序可以生成如  这样的简单验证码。把它存成一个PHP文件,例如captcha.php,使用<img src=’captcha.php’ />显示它,然后,你在服务器端把用户的输入和$_SESSION[‘captcha’]做比较即可:


    $charset = 'ABCDEFGHJKLMNPQRSTUVWXY3456789';
    $maxpos = strlen($charset) - 1;
    $captcha = '';
    $im = imagecreate(60, 24);
    $white = imagecolorallocate($im, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff);
    for ($i = 0; $i < 4; $i++) {
        $imchar = imagecreate(15, 24);
        $white = imagecolorallocate($imchar,mt_rand(0xe0, 0xff), mt_rand(0xe0, 0xff), mt_rand(0xe0, 0xff));
        $color = imagecolorallocate($imchar, mt_rand(0x00, 0x70), mt_rand(0x00, 0x70), mt_rand(0x00, 0x70));
        $captcha .= substr($charset, mt_rand(0, $maxpos), 1);
        imagestring($imchar, 5, 0, 0, $captcha[$i], $color);
        $imchar = imagerotate($imchar, mt_rand(-10, 10), $white);
        imagecopymerge($im, $imchar, mt_rand(1, 5) + $i * 15, mt_rand(0, 8), 0, 0, 15, 24, 100);
    for ($i = 0; $i < 15; $i++) {
        $x1 = mt_rand(0, 59);
        $y1 = mt_rand(0, 23);
        $x2 = $x1 + mt_rand(-2, 2);
        $y2 = $y1 + mt_rand(-1, 1);
        imageline($im, $x1, $y1, $x2, $y2, mt_rand(0x000000, 0xffffff));
    $_SESSION['captcha'] = $captcha;
    header('Content-type: image/gif');



<img src="captcha.php" title="click for a new one"
onclick="now=new Date();src='captcha.php?'+now.getTime();" />



<script type="text/javascript">
jQuery(function() {
    jQuery('div.post_content_wrapper').each(function() {
        var urlstr = jQuery(this).find('h2.post_title > a').first().attr('href');
        if (typeof(urlstr) == 'undefined') {
            urlstr = location.href;
        var _w = 72 , _h = 16;
        var param = {
            count:'1',                  // 是否显示分享数
            ralateUid:'1691250947',     // 关联用户的微博用户号码
            rnd:new Date().valueOf()
        var temp = [];
        for (var p in param) {
            temp.push(p + '=' + encodeURIComponent(param[p] || ''));
        buttonstr = '<div style="width:100%;text-align:right;">';
        buttonstr += '<iframe allowTransparency="true" frameborder="0"';
        buttonstr += ' scrolling="no" src="http://hits.sinajs.cn/A1/weiboshare.html?';
        buttonstr += temp.join('&') + '" width="'+ _w+'" height="'+_h+'"></iframe></div>';




var urlstr = jQuery(this).find('h2.post_title > a').first().attr('href');
if (typeof(urlstr) == 'undefined') {
        urlstr = location.href;


http_response_code或Status code的重置问题

在写一个产生短链接的程序。短链接本身对应的文件当然不是直接存在域名根目录下的,而是通过.htaccess的404 ErrorHandler转交给检索程序,由检索程序把真正的文件输出出来。这里需要把404号Status code覆盖掉。


header("Content-type: $mime", FALSE, 200);




header("Status: 200 OK");    // Reset the status to OK (200).
header("Content-type: $mime", FALSE, 200);


Bug-free development: Source code readability

Source code readability is important. Even nobody else will read your source code in the future, you will read it one day. Dirty code provides good shield for bugs for they become harder to find. Dirty code may also mislead other programmers to think they find a bug, and by “fixing” it, they create a real bug.


One good reason I like Python is, no matter the programmer is amateur or professional, at the first glance, the source code is so clean. If the source code is not properly indented, then it may not run at all. Well-indented source code helps the reading speed, and makes the bugs easy to reveal.

There are many code beautifiers that standardize the code style. For example, in UNIX there is a command called “cb” (C Beautifier), and in Visual Studio, there are shortcuts standardizing the code format as well. When I programmed in C, I always ran the “cb” command and compared the output with my source code, and made sure no differences were found between the two. Call me obsession, but once I got used to it, it became very natural to write well formatted code at typing.


Being explicit means, for example, if part of the code is supposed to do nothing, then, instead of writing nothing, do put some code or comments to speak out: “I am here to tell you, nothing should be done. I did not forget to consider this case.”

Here is an alarm clock program. It used to work before but is not working now. Instead of triggering the alarm by the desired time, it does the inverse logic – keep ringing the alarm until the time is reached. The investigation shows that the latest version is like this:

for (time() < desiredTime)
    puts(“wake up”);

Then no surprise why it keeps sending the alarm. Why the code is like this? One week ago Susan read the code and discovered that the code was like:

for (time() < desiredTime);
puts(“wake up”);

and she thought that the “;” at the end of the “for” statement was a typo, so she removed the “;” wrongly, and this “fix” ultimately reserved the logic.

To avoid this misunderstanding, Mike, the author of the previous version, should have written his code as below, so if Susan saw this code, she would have been thought twice, or picked up her phone to quickly confirm with Mike, before applying the “typo correction”.

for (time() < desiredTime)
puts(“wake up!”);

A even more explicit code is like this. The “NULL” statement does not generate any extra code, but it explicitly tells the audience “I mean to do nothing here.”

for (time() < desiredTime)
puts(“wake up!”);

Other examples: The NULL statement in the “else” block makes explicit that no actions should be taken if neither A nor B is met. The “fall through” comment in the “switch” block makes explicit that the “break” statement is not forgotten here, but the programmer intends to execute do_this() and do_that() when a equals to 0.

Bug-free development: Understand the differences between the physical world and the computer world

It is important to understand the differences between the physical world and the computer world, and keep the differences in mind.

A computer, most times, is only simulating the actual world. As a result, if the simulation is not well designed, then a program may get incorrect, inaccurate, and/or inconsistent result. A function once worked one month ago may no longer work today, or its behavior varies from one computer to another. If I said these in front of a programmer, he/she would probably agree. This does not mean he/she would keep this in mind, though. I have seen many cases when the program inaccurately simulated the world, its master’s first instinctive reaction was to check somewhere else, but not their own code.

  • In the physical world there are axioms and laws, while in the computer world there are standards and conventions.
  • In the physical world there are math and physics, while in the computer world there are algorithms.
  • In the physical world numbers can be infinitely large or infinitely small, while in the computer world numbers are represented by limited bits.

When writing programs, the developer have to keep alert of these differences, and when introducing his/her code to others, he/she can easily tell which items are representing the physical world, and which can stand true only on a computer.




Equatorial Mount built with LEGO pieces

Equatorial Mount built with LEGO pieces

Bug-free Development

A myth says, and lots of people believe, that every program has bugs.

This is only a myth, however. Consider this program:

void     main(void)

This program has no bugs, because it does not do anything. This program has lots of unsupported features, however. It does not do whatever we can think of, or in other words, the entire world is its complement.

You may say this is a quibble, and tweak the statement a little bit and say: Every acting program has bugs.

Then please consider this famous program, which does nothing but printing “hello, world” followed by a line-feed:

#include <stdio.h>

void     main(void)
   puts(“hello, world”);

We acknowledge that this program has lots of unsupported features as well. It cannot print “good morning, world”, “goodbye, world”, etc. However, again, it has no bugs.

A program may have unsupported features, but can be bug-free. In my 19-year programming life, no post-release bugs were discovered from my codes. I worked for a company that manufactured semiconductor measurement instruments. I wrote a program that made the company’s program looked like sequential execution, but actually run in parallel way. The patent-owning program had over 2000 lines, and since the day its first version was written (2003), the company’s QA team did not find any bug from it. Two years after I left the company, I talked with my ex-colleague by chance. He told me that the guy, who was assigned the QA to audit my code, did not find a single bug. But since the QA believed the myth “Every program has bugs” so blindly, he preservered with it for two years, and ended up with nothing.

When I was young and arrogant, I drafted a “bug-free guarantee” and attach it to every piece of my source code, and said:

If anyone finds the first bug in my code, I would pay him/her 1 dollar, then for the second bug he/she finds, I would pay 2 dollars. 4 dollars for the third, 8 dollars for the fourth, and the number increases exponentially.

Nobody ever got a buck from me.

In theory, in reality, bug-free development is possible. I am planning to share ideas about bug-free programming in some of my future blogs. Such blogs will use “bug-free” tag.



