The early days for fledged juveniles are more hazardous; during its first dives into the water, about four days after leaving the nest, a fledgling may become waterlogged and drown. Many young will not have learned to fish by the time they are driven out of their parents’ territory, and only about half survive more than a week or two. Most kingfishers die of cold or lack of food, and a severe winter can kill a high percentage of the birds. Summer floods can destroy nests or make fishing difficult, resulting in starvation of the brood. Only a quarter of the young survive to breed the following year, but this is enough to maintain the population. Likewise, only a quarter of adult birds survive from one breeding season to the next. Very few birds live longer than one breeding season. The oldest bird on record was 21 years.
四川博物院《彩绘地中海》特展上,有个小展室,三壁和屋顶是放大的“跳水者之墓”(Tomb of the Diver) 。原件是215×100×80cm的小墓穴,做成展室,就可以站着尽情地看。在前700年-前400年间的几千座希腊墓葬里,这是唯一一座内绘人物场景的墓穴,墓室周围的酒宴(Symposium)场景gay gay的很耐看。